Excellent Tips! My favorite is "dare to be stupid." Sometimes the fear of coming across as stupid or bad at something can keep us from even starting in the first place. By taking the pressure off and risking coming across as stupid we allow ourselves to really swing for the fences and take risks.

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So true, Reid! Most of us don't take enough risks, so it's freeing to read about other writers encouraging us to 'be stupid'!

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Love this ❤️❤️❤️

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Amazing tips. Quite a lot of these resonate with me. Some really practical and useful advice here.

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Great advice - thank you. "Omit needless words" really resonates with me. It was the same advice I received many years ago from a colleague, and it's always the first thing I do when re-writing anything (I can still hear his voice in my head!) and it always works.

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In a love hate relationship with all my messy first drafts - amazing tips!

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I so wish I had read all the books I could have when I was younger because now, I find, I hardly have time to do that between work and kids.

I also loved the advice of giving your best energy to book writing.

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